Air Testing Made Easy

Easy to Use - Our patent pending sample test kit is the easiest and safest process in the industry. No specialized training required. Easy as 1-2-3...

Safety - No need to worry about collecting an air sample. Our sample test kit was designed specifically with safety in mind. The operator can feel safe during the collecting process.

Sample Options - Pressure from ambient to 2500psi (inlet pressure).

Costs - Lower shipping cost, smaller, lighter, etc. Programs contain all sample test kits sent at once, eliminating the need for unnecessary shipping charges.

Standards - NFPA, CGA, OSHA, Nitrox, ISO, Canadian and more...

DOT Compliant - No need to worry about being DOT compliant while shipping back your air sample. Our sample test kit meets or exceeds DOT 49 CFR (non-hazardous shipping).

Test Results - Transmitted via, e-mail, mail, text alerts, etc…

Sample - The sample test kit automatically traps a sample without any operator assistance. Our sample test kits are guaranteed to hold your sample every time (if directions are followed correctly).

Medical Grade - The sample test kit is constructed with Medical Grade parts and accessories. No need to worry about contamination.

Cross Contamination - A new sample test kit is used each time. Sample kits are discarded after every analysis. No need for cleaning.

Failures - No charge for retest of failures. (as long as the customer is actively trying to correct the issue)

Service Kit – Contains everything a service technician needs in one convenient case. Includes all common adaptors, test kits and unlimited stock kits.

Experience - More than 30 years of experience in the sample testing industry.